Laundry Startup: Redefining Latin America’s Laundry Industry – The GetLavado Journey

Laundry Startup

As the CEO of GetLavado (since 2016), my journey through the dynamic world of startups has been deeply influenced by my experiences at Patagonia Argentina, Mercado Libre, Batanga – VIX (acquired by Univision), Cluvi & more. These experiences have shaped my approach to revolutionizing the laundry industry in Latin America. Here, I present our short story at GetLavado, a tale of innovation and resilience.

The Genesis of GetLavado – Laundry Startup:
Returning to Peru after a decade in Argentina, I noticed an opportunity to disrupt the traditional laundry sector. GetLavado emerged as a response to the growing need for efficient, technology-based laundry services in a rapidly modernizing market.

A Pivotal Moment:
The early days of GetLavado were fraught with challenges. A critical moment came when my savings were depleted. Our turning point was our selection by Rockstart, a Dutch accelerator based in Colombia. This support revitalized our mission, propelling us forward.

Maintaining Motivation Amid Challenges:
Driven by the goal of establishing GetLavado as a leader in Latin America’s startup scene, We used resilience and focus to navigate through tough times. These qualities have been fundamental in overcoming the many obstacles faced.

Our culture at GetLavado is built on transparency, continuous learning, and a set of core values that encourage open communication and innovation. This culture has been instrumental in our growth and success.

The Concept of ‘Dark Laundries’:
The introduction of ‘Dark Laundries’ was a game-changer. These are specialized facilities dedicated exclusively to processing orders for GetLavado. Unlike typical laundry shops that cater to walk-in customers, ‘Dark Laundries’ operate behind the scenes. They are optimized for efficiency, equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, and staffed by trained professionals. This setup allows us to control quality more rigorously, ensure faster turnaround times, and manage larger volumes of laundry more effectively.

The SaaS and Marketplace Synergy at GetLavado:
In the evolving landscape of the laundry industry (or Laundry startup), GetLavado stands out as a beacon of innovation and adaptability. Our Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, tailored for the laundry sector, exemplifies this perfectly. It streamlines everything from order management to customer communication and billing, allowing our partners to efficiently manage their operations while minimizing errors and enhancing customer satisfaction. Complementing this is our marketplace model, a testament to our customer-centric ethos. This platform effortlessly connects customers with a variety of quality laundry services, offering the ease of online booking and the assurance of timely, quality service. Together, these innovations symbolize our response to the dynamic market needs, skillfully blending traditional laundry services with cutting-edge technology to create a unique ecosystem that benefits both our partners and customers. This strategic integration positions GetLavado at the forefront of technological advancement in the laundry industry, marking a significant shift from its traditionally slow pace of change.

GetLavado: More Than a Provider, a Partner for Laundries:
A key differentiator of GetLavado in the market is our ability to tangibly increase the sales of associated laundries. Unlike other players in the sector that offer franchises or sell equipment, we provide laundries with something far more valuable: customers. This approach has revolutionized how laundries in Latin America view their business and growth potential.

The Evolution of the Laundry Market:
Contrary to expectations, the laundry market in Latin America has not evolved dramatically in terms of technology or processes. However, with the entry of GetLavado, we are marking a before and after in the industry. Our proposal is simple yet powerful: by focusing on increasing sales and improving service quality, we are transforming a traditionally static sector into one that is dynamic and growing.

Future Vision and Expansion:
While I am excited about the prospect of expanding into markets like Mexico and Brazil, my immediate focus is on consolidating our presence in Perú & Colombia. Dominating these regional markets is crucial before embarking on a broader expansion. Our journey, marked by strategic growth and perseverance, has not gone unnoticed. Proudly, GetLavado has been named by Forbes as one of the top 100 startups in Peru for two consecutive years, a testament to our resilience and innovation in the face of the challenges of operating in a developing market. I aspire for GetLavado to be perceived in the global startup ecosystem as it is: a resilient and innovative startup that has overcome the challenges of operating in a developing market. Our story is one of strategic growth and perseverance.

Advice for Entrepreneurs:
Resilience and adaptability are key. Understanding the entrepreneurial landscape and being prepared for its demands is essential for success. Your resilience will be your most valuable asset.

My journey with GetLavado, from the vibrant streets of Buenos Aires to the entrepreneurial heart of Lima, symbolizes the spirit of innovation and the relentless pursuit of excellence. As we step into 2024, our commitment to technology and quality service remains unwavering, with exciting opportunities on the horizon. Alongside a dedicated team, a loyal community of customers, and the invaluable support of our investors and partners who have believed in us, we continue to grow, focused on redefining and leading the laundry industry in Latin America. This year symbolizes a pivotal moment in our journey, one where we aim to strengthen our presence both in Peru and Colombia, and solidify our position as an industry leader. Our mission remains clear: to transform the laundry industry in Latin America and make a lasting impact on the global startup scene. I am profoundly grateful to everyone who has joined us on this remarkable journey, sharing our vision and contributing to our success.


12 responses to “Laundry Startup: Redefining Latin America’s Laundry Industry – The GetLavado Journey”

  1. Excelente post Martin! Has perfeccionado tu inglés también.
    Los consejos de resilencia a los emprendedores deberías agregarle algunas vivencias o ejemplos. Quizás sea bueno que mantengas un diario apuntando temas de tu vida como emprendedor!

    1. martinbeasnunez Avatar

      Muchas gracias Roberto, lo tomaré en cuenta 🙌

  2. Juan Carlos Saavedra Lucho Avatar
    Juan Carlos Saavedra Lucho

    Very nice and interesting to know all your journey about Get Lavado. Is very important these job’s experience based around the transparency, resiliency, powerful, and continuos learning. Congratulations!

    1. martinbeasnunez Avatar

      Thnx Charles, keep moving 🙌🙌 🐓🐓🐓🐔🐔

  3. Cesia Julia Avatar
    Cesia Julia

    Wow! That was a great introduction! Being part of an start up is a challenge specially if you are the owner lol. Hoping you could have a year full of success and good news for GL. it’s a new year, new start!

    1. martinbeasnunez Avatar

      Thnx ces 🤟

  4. Fernanda Chávez Hinojosa Avatar
    Fernanda Chávez Hinojosa

    ¡Martin, increible por compartir la increíble historia de GL en este artículo! Es inspirador ver cómo hemos superado desafíos y hemos marcado un antes y un después en la industria de lavandería en América Latina. Estoy emocionada por lo que el futuro tiene reservado para GL y cómo seguiremos liderando el camino si o si! Un Abrazo.

    1. martinbeasnunez Avatar

      Nada de esto fuese posible sin ti Fer 🙏 y sin todo nuestro fabuloso equipo y mindset 💪💪

  5. Absolutely, it’s fantastic to see how GL has not only tackled challenges but also reshaped the laundry industry in Latin America!!!🌟 The journey has been incredible, and I’m truly excited about what lies ahead for GL.

    1. martinbeasnunez Avatar

      Thanks for the support Andrea! 🚀 It’s been an amazing ride indeed, and having such an incredible team makes it all the more exciting. We’re just getting started! // lets keep up revolutionizing the laundry scene in Latam! 💪🌟

  6. Ana Lemoine Latorrre Avatar
    Ana Lemoine Latorrre

    I’m very proud and honored for being a witness of your journey. You’re such a hard worker and I know all the effort and care you put on everything you do. GetLavado and Startup ecosystem in Latam it’s so fortunate to have you. This 2024 is going to be amazing!!

    1. martinbeasnunez Avatar

      Thank you my love!

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